Under $100k Mortgage-Free Home? Two Stacked Shipping Containers, Washington

Construction process
Location and contact info

Area480 sq ft
ContainersOne 20 ft and one 40 ft
Project cost$80 000
LocationKalama, Washington, United States

With the desire to have a mortgage-free home, Jaimie and Dave have chosen to build a shipping container home. They purchased a small piece of land and spent about $80k turning two metal boxes into beautiful and comfy living spaces. They have stacked a 20ft container on top of a 40ft shipping container, which creates a deck on the upper floor. The budget has been restricted as they have done most of the work by themselves.

This two-story shipping container home has a beautiful brownish exterior with a small roofed section that protects the starting part of the deck. The interiors are bright with a rustic touch of wood flooring and cabinets. There is a spacious lounge, kitchen, bathroom and pantry on the main floor while the bedroom lies upstairs. Another beautiful sight is the abundance of mini planters found everywhere on the shipping container home.

They have included features they would need the most. It is not a luxurious house per se, but a dream mortgage-free home for the couple. The most exciting thing about this build is that the couple has built it on their own, which would have definitely demanded a lot of hard work. The result is really appreciable.

Aside from constructing the shipping container home for under $100k, they have also landscaped the property and built a workshop. They also linked these two structures with a suspension bridge.


Construction Process

Location and contact info

LocationBoundary Rd, Kalama, Washington, United States

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Under $100k Mortgage-Free Home? Two Stacked Shipping Containers, Washington